Mar 19, 2014


Today my dad forced me to get the yearly rabies shot. Or vaccination you call it actually. Of course he didn't tell me what we were going to do when we left the house. Suddenly there was this group of humans with brothers and sisters of mine waiting with anticipation. I also got a little stressed out to be honest.

Every year our local Animal Hospital drives through the city with a van and you can come there with your human to get vaccinated. Very convenient! When you get the shot it is over before you know it. It goes really fast.

And after you feel like nothing happened. Other dogs were a bit scared and wining but I am a tough street dog and didn't cringe. I got a stamp in my passport and that was it! Now I can return to the real issues in my life. I'm already on the look out for duck. My dad is also happy knowing I'm safe for another 12 months.

Mar 15, 2014

Episode 17

I don't understand what's the big deal with shoes. My dad just throws them on the floor when he's done with them and I presume that they are for the garbage. And then when I actually want to put them in the bin (I always have to clean up after my dad) he gets angry... So better that I just make them disappear. No more rubbish in the house and I had my fun as well.

Mar 14, 2014


As you may know I'm not much of a swimmer. But this brother of mine really enjoys a good dive in the deep! Really impressive I must admit.

Mar 13, 2014

Feeling like a pirate

Sometimes when I play with my brothers and sisters we do role playing. You should try it, it's a lot of fun. This time we were reenacting that movie about pirates. We were in the forest and of course I was the main pirate that everybody else was chasing. It was an epic battle as you can see in the video below. Do you ever role play? Where and when was that? For sure it was also during play time and if not I can really recommend it! ;)


Mar 9, 2014

Episode 16

Spring is here! It is now really getting warm during the day. Everything is green again and some colorful things are growing in the grass. What is interesting is that I haven't seen the big duck for a while now, thank god. My guess is that it is simply too hot for them where I take my walk along the river. Yet the evidence speaks for itself and they are still around, mark my words!

Mar 4, 2014

Blue bridge

Although popular believe indicates differently, we dogs DO see color. Maybe not so many as humans do but nevertheless we can tell the difference between the grass and a poop from another dog. You humans can see the entire rainbow spectrum; violet, blue, blue-green, green, yellow, orange and red. The rainbows me and my brothers and sisters see is a bit more dull; dark blue, light blue, gray, light yellow, darker yellow (sort of brown like poop probably) and very dark grey.
In order to be clearer and to make this learning experience fun for the whole family I opt to write my observations in the shape of a poem:

The grass is grey
The sun yellowish
Throw the ball to me
The blue one please
The red I don't see

In the picture below you can see sort of what I see. The blue is quite dominant but that is okay, it is my favorite color and as it turns out also my dad's! ;) What is your favorite color?

So what did the humans learned today? Get your dog blue toys, not red ones!

To read more in-depth click here

Mar 1, 2014

Episode 15

In all the excitement I sometimes get confused. What is duck and what is not? When I am trying to make the world a better place by scaring away duck I get hungry and thirsty. So when I find something edible I must eat it immediately! My dad often doesn't allow me to eat something I find on the street, which is very strange to me. Food is food, isn't it? Okay, sometimes I do get confused and eat something that is technically not really food, but who cares? It's my stomach!